Monday, April 03, 2006

National motto?

Another quiz question.

The national motto 'Satyameva Jayate' (or 'Truth Alone Triumphs') is taken from which Upanishad?


Anonymous said...

Come on, that is a sitter....BTW, was wondering, why are they called sitters in cricket?

Sriram said...

You haven't yet given the answer!!

I don't know why they are called sitters. Is it restricted to cricket?

Anonymous said...

Mundaka Upanishad?

Anonymous said...

Googling reveals that in Soccer too, the term is used...something that is just "sitting there" waiting to be taken advantage of..
and of course anon took the advantage:)

Sriram said...

Mundaka Upanishad is absolutely right, anon

Sriram said...

that's probably the origin deepa,

good question too. i have taken sitters for granted all this while!!