Saturday, May 06, 2006

You might be thinking like this too ...

Enjoyed reading quotations on elections from this page.

And as I intend to do more than just give you the link, I will copypaste those quotes which I found really funny. Here they go:

1) Democracy is the only system that persists in asking the powers that be whether they are the powers that ought to be. Sydney J. Harris

2) It's not the voting that's democracy; it's the counting. Tom Stoppard

3) Politicians are like diapers. They both need changing regularly and for the same reason. Author Unknown

4) Hell, I never vote for anybody, I always vote against. W.C. Fields

5) The problem with political jokes is they get elected. Henry Cate, VII

6) Politics is the gentle art of getting votes from the poor and campaign funds from the rich, by promising to protect each from the other. Oscar Ameringer

7) Under democracy one party always devotes its chief energies to trying to prove that the other party is unfit to rule - and both commonly succeed, and are right. H.L. Mencken

PS: I am planning to vote for a party that's willing to pay my rent and telephone bills. Any takers?


Anonymous said...


Thankfully the campaigning has ended. Otherwise, somebody would've promised to pay your rent and phone bill.

This campaign will go down in history as the most "issueless", "listless" and "colourless" one. As a result most have been left "clueless" as to who will win the elections.

Free lunches may be bad economics, but it is truly turning out to be good politics what with even the FM toeing the line and prasing a manifesto which promises most things free.

PS: As I told u finally someone has promised a free computer.


Abhinav said...

lol.. that was a hilarious post man... especially loved the diaper quote. actually they were all good! surprising how politics the world over is the same, cos it almost seems like these quotes were tailor made for this particular election campaign!

and btw, just so as i wouldn't disappoint u, my latest post is about.... cricket!

Sriram said...


Hope results are closer than exit polls indicate. Don't know why we need exit polls, though. It serves no one but the TV channels.


I am actually sad the election process is coming to an end! It was such fun! Regd your post on cricket, will surely check it out. And your posts are really good, cricket or no cricket.

Abhinav said...

wow, thanx buddy... its a pity it's over isn't it? petrol prices will start escalating again, no doubt :(