Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Legendary horse, legendary brand

From BL archives:

An easy one! A Mewar ruler bought two horses from an Arab dealer. The first one, Natak, it is said, performed stunning feats during a test, but was subsequently fatally injured. The second one went on to attain legendary status in Indian history. Four centuries after its death, its name is still famous — now also as a company's brand. Which brand?


Anonymous said...


Sriram said...

Kudos Anon!

Anonymous said...

Chetak - Rana Pratap Singh! :)

Where should I come and collect the prize money? :D

Anonymous said...

bonus: Chetak is also a light helicopter which is the workhorse of the IAF.

Sriram said...

Phoenix, hope you are the anon! This being an unsponsored quiz, no prizes. Sorry!!!

Jaideep, thanks. Looks like a more complex connection question is a possiblity.

Anonymous said...

phoenix, you're right. We should ensure that Sriram doesn't ask anymore questions if he doesn't want to reward the person who answers it. :-)

For this quiz, Sriram has decided to give Rs. 2 to the first person who answers it and 50p to the second. Transportation/ postage - not paid.

I'll let you know where you can collect your prize money.

Sriram said...

dai shravan!

india va da, onna pathukarrein!!

her said...

50 paise.. I cant even buy one pullipu muttaai!