I'm back. And this comeback post recounts a joke narrated by Vinod Dasari, COO of Ashok Leyland, at a seminar recently. Disclaimer: You might have heard this before, but I heard it for the first time and I found it a smart joke!
Here it goes: Son asks his father why he goes to work. Father uses an analogy to explain what he does. He says he's the capitalist of the family, for he brings home the money. The son's mother, the capitalist's wife, is the management. The house maid is the labour class. Management and labour together try to grow the product (which is the son, who asked the question to his father initially).
Son gets up one night to the screams of his months-old younger brother, who needs a diaper change. He tries to wake up mother but can't. His father is missing and futher investigation reveals he's harassing the maid. So, summing up, the situation is: Capitalist is harassing labour, management is fast asleep, product is ignored and the future (baby) stinks!
Hope your organisation is different!
good one sriram.
and reward for me for clicking on ur blog at every oppurtunity. u kept us waiting for a long time.
Thanks Nandhu!
I briefly worked for a paper (for which you too greeted me thru a comment here!) where personal blogs are a no-no. I am back with Outlook now. So here I go again!
that was fast jumping sriram. hope u are happy again.
Yeah I am happy!
welcome back. Had heard a version of this with the government, beauracracy, citizens in different roles.
And what...you changed jobs again?? Reminds me of paatis remarks;)
i guess after a point the number doesn't matter!
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